The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53338   Message #821107
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
07-Nov-02 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: Whither the politics of Folk?
Subject: RE: Whither the politics of Folk?
"There are plenty of Republican folksongs.
But! How many famous and/or infamous Republican folksingers can anyone name?"

Wondering out loud why couldn't you name any?

Seen alot of that Republican worn-on-their-sleeve in Grand Ol' Opry / Bow down and worship Graceland *Country* stars.
Ted Nugent tries to express his conservativeopinions in his poor excuse for faded Rock music, but no one cares what he has to sing.

I can appreciate poignant social commentary expressed in Folk music no matter whose political ox is being gored , but the Rush Bimbaugh's of the world apparently prefer to just talk you into submission.Call it Conservative Rap. Then again ,in Rush's case , I find it poetic justice that the good Lord saw fit for him to go deaf because he never bothered to listen to any opinions that opposed his anyway.

I am reminded of the political satire pieces sung by Tim Robbins in the film "Bob Roberts" who plays a vocal conservative candidate that's also a folk-singer.

As for me , when I wanna take refuge from all the politics I just zone in on artists that just let their musicianship do the talkin'.
Beauty is truth and is thus beyond politics. ;-)