The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53433   Message #822679
Posted By: GUEST
10-Nov-02 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Take Your War & Go to Hell!
Subject: RE: BS: Take Your War & Go to Hell!
Please see the Veteran's Day essay I posted in the thread titled "Courage of Your Convictions".

Surely, in a democracy, the only people worthy of being respected aren't just the people who have served in the military. To suggest that people who are engaged in the just as important, and at times more important work, known as daily citizenship, are just as deserving of our love and respect.

I get a little tired of people who presume that anyone who is trying to stop this right wing Republican war agenda motivated by greed and imperialism, which began in earnest with the Reagan/Bush administration, are traitors and/or enemies of the state. I also get more than a little fed up with people who wish to use veterans, or families of veterans, to further their own narrow, right wing Republican agendas. People who found what was done to Max Clelland to be "brilliant strategy".

There are some very good reasons why progressive left Senator Paul Wellstone was endorsed by Minnesota veterans, over Bush's hand picked right wing Republican candidate Coleman. One of them being that not all veterans support the radical, right wing extremist Republican war agenda.