The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53483   Message #823264
Posted By: GUEST
11-Nov-02 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: Growing a beard at 21- Help?
Subject: Growing a beard at 21- Help?
Dear male mudcatters adorning features of the Facial Hair variety.
Beards are something I have noted on a regular basis amongst Folkies- well the men mostly!

Any advice for an individual at 21 years old- I thought this would be an opportune moment to try my luck since I am in both a situation and place where i'm not too bothered about comments like 'alright there son' do you know you've got a caterpillar above your lip or you might want to give that chin a wash'

Do I need to just be patient? or am I too ambitious at such an age? Will I achieve anything? How long should I give it until I 'shave the 'bumfluff off my chin' to quote a folksong.
Proud owners of beards- please help