The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53490   Message #823587
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
11-Nov-02 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry Speaks at Wall Veteran's Memorial
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry Speaks at Wall Veteran's Memorial
Well if anyone can speak with some genuine*authority* on actually *being* a veteran in a war , unlike Cheney/Bush ,
it's the Kerry's.

My preferred choice candidate was Congressional Medal of Honor recipient , private sectorian, and then politiican Bob Kerry from Nebraska as he was everything Clinto was not. Don't know about any ambitions for the White House for him ,but now there's John Kerry as probably the best non-Republ;ican candidate to call Bush on the result of his policies and whatever other scandals will emerge *univestigated* by the Repub-dominated Congress a year from now.

Why am I so cock sure there will be a scandal of Administration-shaking proportions?
1) A One-Party Repub Congress
2) The greed with which the Repub-supporting Big Corproate Boys will again bilk the public coffers of billions because they know "their boy" is in the White House and there will be *no* SEC,DoJ or any enforecment of the rules of any consequence
( Harvey Pitt episode and no urgency by Bushites to fill his chair soon) and a pliant Repub Congress.
3) Military contracts at the WarHog troughs will blossom.

I well remember John Kerry';s outright and thorough *toughness* on international organized crime during the hearings on the uncovered corruptions of BCCI which ultimately collapsed under the white hot scrutiny. If you don't remember the
all Arab Bank of Credit & Commerce Internationsal scandal that acted to fund terrorists and drug lords then you've not been paying attention to this terrorist issue.

Kerry has been in the trenches and was in harm's way; experience neither Bush nor Cheney have anything but *anecdotal* experience of. Kerry also has a warche$t by marriage. It's the only thing the Bu$he$ understand so
bring it on Veteran John ;you've got leadership experience that Bush/Cheney can only read about.

There, that felt good, ;-)