The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11197   Message #82376
Posted By: Cuilionn
28-May-99 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: Nonsense songs to dance tunes
Subject: RE: Nonsense songs to dance tunes

Th' Scots lyrics tae Brochan Lom are pure deid brilliant! What a way tae stairt th' day...laughin' sae haird I nearly chokit on ma breakfast. Are there ither Scots "renditions" o' Gaelic puirt-a-beul sangs aroond? I'd love tae hae some for singin' tae th' stuffit shirts at th' A'-Gaelic ceilidhs back hame. I can jist imagine th' luik on their faces when I say, "och, I've been studyin' th' puirt SAE haird...I can sing ye ane I jist lairnit special..."

anxiously awaitin' more...
