The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17756   Message #825438
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
13-Nov-02 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Oh Suzanna? / Oh Susanna
Subject: Lyr Add: OH, SUSANNA!
Despite the possible unsuitability of the words, I found this in the "Hackney Scout Song Book" (1965 edition)


I came from Alabama
Wid my banjo on my knee;
I'm gwine to Lousiana
My true lub for to see:
It rained all night the day I left,
De wedder it was dry;
De sun so hot I almost froze,
Susanna don't you cry!

Oh, Susanna! Don't you cry for me;
Ive come from Alabama
Wid my banjo on lay knee.

1 jump'd aboard de telegraph,
And trabbell'd down de ribber;
De 'lectric fluid magnified
And killed five hundred nigger!
De bullgine bust, de horse run off—
I really tho't I'd die:
I shut my eyes to hold my breath,
Susanna don't you cry!

I soon will be in New Orleans,
And den I'll look all round
And when I find Susanna,
I'll fall upon de ground
But if I do not find her den,
Dis darkie'll surely die
And when I'm dead and buried Oh!
Susanna don't you cry
