The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53493   Message #826545
Posted By: Duane D.
14-Nov-02 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: For fun - Ten obscure facts about you
Subject: RE: BS: For fun - Ten obscure facts about you
A few more about me:
11. I used to teach beginners how to cross-country ski.
12. Green is my favorite color, especially how newly opened leaves look in spring.
13. Spinach is my favorite vegetable.
14. I don't eat any meat, but I'll eat fish and shellfish whenever I can.
15. I have a right hand/left hand peculiarity. I write, draw, paint, solder, use hand tools, eat, play raquet sports, left handed. I bat, bowl, golf, throw, right handed. When eating, if I need to use the knife, I move the fork to my right hand to hold what needs cutting and cut with my left hand, then return to eating with my left hand. When fishing, I cast left handed, then change hands and reel left handed. I play all my instruments right handed, except the Psaltry and Pianolyn I bow left handed. I favor my left hand when throwing a frisbee, but I can throw with either, and have thrown with both hands at the same time.
16. In the early 1990's, I started showing the night sky with my telescope to some new friends. They had trouble remembering my name and started calling me "Starman." One morning I looked in the mirror and a star-like age spot appeared over my left eye. I still have the "star" and the nickname.
