The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53550   Message #826988
Posted By: Orac
15-Nov-02 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Bah, Humbug! Any other Songs?
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Bah, Humbug! Any other Songs?
I have just ordered a copy of "Bah! Humbug - The Alternative Christmas Album". It was me that sent Robin Laing a recording of John Rudkin's "CHRISTMAS MAN" (sung by John "Struggling Jack" Rudkin). Robin has renamed it "THE MAN THAT SLITS THE TURKEYS' THROATS AT CHRISTMAS". It's a really funny song. I hope the album does well. I had to go round and get John to sign a bit of paper giving his permission for Robin to record it. John was thrilled to say the least. John Rudkin has written many funny songs like this that have not been recorded. My favorite is "Hi-Hum" a song about a Morris Dancer with a personal problem.

The first verse goes:

Me name is Arthur Postlethwaite. By day I am a florist.
Me chief delight on a summer's night is the dancing of the Morris.
I've been denied me place in the side by arguments most petty.
They say I pong and it ain't 'alf strong when I get 'ot and sweaty.

CHORUS: Still I keep on dancing till me feet are worn to the bone,
And if nobody will dance with me I'll do it all on me own.

There's lots of others. "Captain Birdsnest" is a song based on the Captain Birdseye adverts but in this one he takes the kids all out in the boat, fillets them, and cooks them different ways. "Started with a crew of a hundred and two and now there's only four"... Great stuff.
It's sad that it will all get lost as he doesn't perform anymore.