The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53657   Message #827791
Posted By: Rick Fielding
16-Nov-02 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: New cartoon from R. Crumb
Subject: RE: New cartoon from R. Crumb
Well said Little Hawk, 'specially the Dylan/Crumb comparison.

What I've discovered over the years of my life is that the folks who really woke me out of my stupor, the ones that really made me stand up and take notice were the LAST people I'd even want in my house for a visit or a conversation, they were simply too real, too dirty, too ugly, too emotional, too insane, too drunk, too narrow and bigoted, too stoned...and in general just tooooo...

'Cause I ain't. I'm a product of the middle class. I've never gone hungry, I've read FAR more than those who've infuenced me ('cause they CREATED while I was ABSORBING) and most importantly I've simply never HURT like they did.

I also discovered that trying to explain to others why I like the work of certain very controversial figures is virtually impossible. This is as close as I can get.

