The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8704   Message #827856
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
16-Nov-02 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Coal Man Blues (Peg Leg Howell)
Subject: RE: Looking for Lyrics and performer (Coal Man Blues)
This thread has been around awhile, I see... before I was even a minnow in the pond here. For whatever interest it is, Duane and I were roommates at Columbia University and both learned this song off the same record... the Sam Charters album that didn't include full recordings. This is a good example of what the folk process can do.
Our guitar arrangements are very different, too.

Reading this thread, I figure that it was posted by Murray Adelman. If so, he did hear my version because he contacted me a little over a year ago, and I sent him a tape of that song, and some of my other music. He was gracious enough to find a copy of Australia Felix for me... a book that I love, and had lost. It's no longer in print, but he found a used copy and sent it to me... I tried to find a full recording of this song, and wasn't successful... maybe this will spur me to look for it again. I'm just glad that I was able to send Murray the version that I recorded.... a very fine man, he was..
