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Thread #53648   Message #827982
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Nov-02 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: News of the World - Osama Prophecy!!!
Subject: RE: BS: News of the World - Osama Prophecy!!!
The only way to "cut off the supply of cheese", troll, is to eliminate world poverty, eliminate corrupt dictatorships funded and supported by the corporate West (as well as those very few NOT funded in that manner), stop arming irresponsible governments to the teeth, and establish genuine legal, financial, political, and economic equality all over the world.

That is a much more complicated task than the one you propose...but with a leads somewhere positive, and is in favour of the whole human race rather than just the controlling few wealthy at the top.

It can only be done through the cooperative efforts of all nations. It cannot be done unilaterally by the USA (though the USA could be its formost enactor, if so inclined).

It would result in no one nation dominating any other nation. This would result in the USA being much less powerful in the world than it presently is...and MUCH better liked by virtually everybody.

The chances of it happening are virtually nil, because the guys at the top would rather have ANYTHING else happen than giving up their outsized share of the pie (their 95%, I mean...). Boss Hog ain't about to move out of the mansion or free the slaves.

The "War on Terrorism" is a fraud. It is attacking mere symptoms of a terrible world illness, while actively promoting further spread of the disease.

Bobert - the "News of the World" has remained strangely silent regarding the goat. This indicates that they may feel their story has lost credibility in the light of Osama's latest audiotaped message to the World... :-)

- LH