The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53648   Message #828661
Posted By: Bluesmike
17-Nov-02 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: News of the World - Osama Prophecy!!!
Subject: RE: BS: News of the World - Osama Prophecy!!!
Beautifully put Little Hawk. I confess to succuming to the temptation to Stir the possum. For the very reasons you state I am and always have been repelled by ANY organised and rigid doctrine whether it be religious or political.
Rather, I find that real truth is as fluid and as transient as sunbeams on water. So much of what we are prepared to fight and die for today we will regard tomorrow with self conscious embarrassment.
I do like the buddhist principal of embracing whatever IS and to the best of our ability, reacting with wholistic integrity.
I find I am repelled by any kind of ism which purports to be superior to any other kind of ism and tries to assert its rightness with might.Any ideology which acts thusly , to me, fails the first test of 'rightness' and deserves to dissappear up its own fundamentalism.
Terrorism, capitalism, zionism, communism secularism and colonialism are all variations on a theme and in the eyes of whoever has to look over the fence at the perpetrators, just as terrifying as each other.
Love and light
Let it be