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Thread #53648   Message #829270
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Nov-02 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: News of the World - Osama Prophecy!!!
Subject: RE: BS: News of the World - Osama Prophecy!!!
Right on, McGrath. The most mind-numbing thing about a lot of socialists is their utter denial of spirituality...which they equate with religion. They are generally just repeating something they heard somebody else say, who heard it from somebody else, who heard it from somebody else...right on back to Marx or Lenin.

And that's the same problem with institutionalized religion...people repeating something they heard somebody else say, who heard it from somebody else, who heard it from somebody else...right on back to the Bible, the Q'ran, Moses, or whoever else they let do all their thinking for them.

Robots could manage as well in dealing with an ever-changing human reality, methinks.

Find someone who is willing to think creatively and come up with a NEW thought about life, and you've really got something.

Anybody got an original thought out there?

By the way, Marxism and Leninism are themselves...religions. But religions built around much more recently created "gods" and holy scriptures, that's all.

- LH