The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53771   Message #829472
Posted By: Art Thieme
18-Nov-02 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: Whales in Great Lakes?
Subject: RE: Whales in Great Lakes?
Da man himself, old friend and folksinger extraordianaire, SCOTT ALARIK gets all the credit and at least fifty percent of the blame for this entire concept. Si Kahn gets the other 50% of the blame for writing that song. But SCOTT ALARIK is the originator of the stage rap that Si took and turned into da ballit.

Scott is also the folk critic for the Boston Globe. As such he wrote about a third of my press packet over the years. (It's not what ya know, but who !!!)

But we've discussed this in other threads I'm pretty sure.

Art Thieme