The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53493   Message #829485
Posted By: Celtic Soul
18-Nov-02 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: For fun - Ten obscure facts about you
Subject: RE: BS: For fun - Ten obscure facts about you
1.) I started singing and performing to overcome being shy in crowds.

2.) My memory *sucks*! I have *the* hardest time memorizing material. It can take me the better part of a month (of daily hammering), and even then, I may gaff on stage occasionally if I am not singing the piece regularly, or even more often if it is new.

3.) My hair aint really red. Hell, *I* don't even know what color it is anymore, really.

4.) I dislike being alone...extremely, but neither am I overly fond of really casual acquaintance type relationships. The kinds where you have nothing in common, but hang out anyway, just to have someone to be with.   

5.) I lie about my age...I usually round *up* by at least a year, sometimes as much as 4. That way, I look *really good* for my age. The honest truth is I am 41 (my sister, CarolC, can attest to this being the truth). However, I am considering trying on 45 for size this coming year.

6.) My kid amazes me. Daily. Something she will do or say will make me sit there and say "Wow!" each and every day.

7.) Anger is a defensive mechanism used to hide fear and hurt. Learned it as a kid, and it's damned hard to break (but I am learning).

8.) I'd rather be cleaning house, painting/decorating, cooking, sewing torn clothes, and all those "homemaker" kinds of things than working. Problem is, no one wants to pay me to do this in my *own* home.

9.) I am a little good at a lot of things, and only really good at a scant few.

10.) I mourned when my Mom died, and I miss her still, but there is a part of me that feels as if it were freed too. I don't have to be the black sheep...that role mostly died with her. And the part of me that mourns does so all the more when I think that she never really knew me for the complete person I am...only the caricature she believed was me from early on.