The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53433   Message #830920
Posted By: Amos
20-Nov-02 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Take Your War & Go to Hell!
Subject: RE: BS: Take Your War & Go to Hell!
Outdated? Excuse me? The timeliness of the article is defined by its opening paragraph: Today, the dogs of war are barking not in Europe but in the District of Columbia, and again people are looking on helplessly as the tragedy unfolds. . A good friend just back from DC states that the discussion of war is on every tongue there, not as a possible threat but as a future fact.

As of this morning the Bushtwat is poking NATO with the same stick he poked the UN with to make them feel that they will be irrelevant if they do not dance to his jig. HE has also declared that Saddam Hussein damn well better not try saying he has no WMD, as though he knows for a fact that it would be deceptive of him, but as far as I have seen he has not shared the facts behind this cosmic insight with the American public.

Here is the bottom line, my fellow humans. SOmeone is going to be murdered. Premeditated murder, with malice aforehand and the full intent to destroy or maim. As of right now, of course, we do not know which victim will be first, but it is a very good bet it will be a serial crime with multiple victims murdered by a similar MO.

We know in advance who the perpetrator of these murders will be. We know his weapons of choice and we know his rationalization in advance -- he intends to claim self-defense as the rationale for a whole series of slayings.

The grounds for this 'argument for the defense' is weapons of mass destruction and the clear and present danger that they will be used.

The facts supporting this claim are not in evidence to be weighed in any judgement. IN their absence we are being presented with a rationale without grounds in defense of murder in the first degree. The American citizen who intends to perpetrate this crime is asking for your agreement and support in carrying out his intentions.

His intentions also include maiming, widowing, wounding, and destroying private property through the use of violence.

Who wants to play? Sign up here. DOugR. you up for it? A little mayhem to pass the time away? Why not? It sounds very interesting, at least, exciting, dramatic. Not heroic though -- it's about as heroic as sniping fropm the trunk of a car, which as you recall, did not go down well. You think there's a difference? What -- skin color? Gyamme one goddamn break.