The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53433   Message #831077
Posted By: Bobert
20-Nov-02 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Take Your War & Go to Hell!
Subject: RE: BS: Take Your War & Go to Hell!

One heck of a little protest song ya' got there, my friend. Glad to see that you've had enough. I've had enough ever since Junior decided that he was GOD. I knew selecting an alcohic might catch up with the country. Yep, remember the pretzel incident? Well, I think Junior got his butt all drunked up and had a hallucination that he was God, Himself. Problem is, most folks get all drunked up and they say a lot of biastful stuff but the next morning, they got a headachs and a story to tell the boss. With Junior, he wakes up, discovers he is boss and has a big ugly stick to prove it.

So Junior, who isn't as supid as we thought (I didn't say smart...), looks around at a bunch of domestic problems that he's caused and for which he doesn't have a slightest clue how to fix and then he looks at those big old dogs (Harkin Oil, Election fraud) and says, "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, time just right fir a war" so he calls up Cheney who has a few dogs of his own waitin' in line for a piec of his butt and Cheney says,"Great idea, Junior! I didn't think you had it in ya'! I'll get Donnie on the phone and we ought to be able to get this thing crankin' around election time! Danged smart of ya' Junior!"

And so that the story. If you wanta believe the prezel thing, then fine. And BTW, if you're in the market fir a bridge....
