The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53878   Message #831645
Posted By: Bobert
21-Nov-02 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spy cameras in your bedroom?
Subject: BS: Spy cameras in your bedroom?
So now we have this Homeland Security legislation that few Senators will admit to knowing much about other than voting against it would have cast them at traitors and demons, but now it's time to see what we're getting for our tax bucks.

Okay, for the *working class* here's a short list of things that Big Brother is going to know about you:

1. Every time you pick up the phone
2. Every transaction you make with a credit card
3. Some taped pay phone conversations
4. Every check you write
5. Every website you visit
6. Every car you own
7. Every gun purchase you make
8. Every dollar you give to a charity or politacl party paid with a check or credit card
9. Every time you use a toll bridge or toll road
10. Every time you pay for any permit, be it a hunting or fishing license.

And now guess who Junior has tapped for the job? Well, Johnny Poindexter, who lied to Congress and broke laws brokering guns deals in the Iran/Contra Scandle, that's who!

Now, what did Boss Hog and his henchmen get? Well, lets see;

1. Retroactive protection from law suits.
2. Big breaks for the drug companies, who incidently were big players in the recent election where 80% of their contributions went to the Repubs.
3. Limitations of the Freedom of Information Act that gives the working class access to infomation about those dirt little closed meetings of folks who are paid from our tax bucks, like Cheney's *insider* Energy Policy discussions.
4. Busting up collective bargaining be federal workers, which will bring about *out sourcing* and *privavtization* which are Boss Hogs way of getting cheap labor that he has no *responsibilty* for fair compensation.
5. A major shift or power into the Executive Branch that would make ol' Tom Jefferson roll over in his grave.

Yeah, these are just for starters. In the coming days, as the smoke clears, we'll see how much of *democracy* is left standing and just how far back the working man got his butt kicked.
