The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53856   Message #831931
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
21-Nov-02 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
And did anyone see him take his children (including one that has the same name as it's elder brother but has hitherto been unknown) to the park? They all appeared to be wearing red veils so they wouldn't be recognised..... talk about self publicity....

'Hey, I want to go to the park but I don't want to be noticed, what shall I do?'

'Well Michael, why don't you cover your children up in red cloths so no-one will spot them.....'

'Gee, I'd never thought of that, find me some red stuff while I dangle the other one over the crowd - the diaper's full and with any luck he'll drip.....'