The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11153   Message #83223
Posted By: annamill
01-Jun-99 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: annap's gathering
Subject: RE: annap's gathering
Hello. Good morning. I had a wonderful weekend. Hope you all did too. After we starting telling people about the gathering, we've discovered an amazing amount of interest in this type of music. Yesterday a friend of ours brought a wonderful guitar player/singer named Barbara to our house to jam. She was great and we had a wonderful non-electric afternoon. We did have drums though, but Glenn played softly and fit right in. Last night this same friend (Susan) took us to a place in Deal, NJ called The Old Deal Roadhouse. They were having an open mike and there were many acoustic players. When Glenn saw someone come up on stage with a washboard he was very doubtful that this was going to be any good. Boy, was he surprised. There we were, right in the middle of a fantastic jug band. Shades of Andy Griffith. I, of course, told everyone about Mudcat and invited them to the gathering. Not everyone will show up, but a few will. Barbara is going to be there. (I RECEIVED MY MUDCAT TEE) It looks like this is going to be good. We still need more Mudcatters though.

Love, Annap