The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53907   Message #832574
Posted By: Kim C
22-Nov-02 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pants or trousers
Subject: RE: BS: Pants or trousers
I say "trousers" because I think it's quaint. Most of us don't use suspenders anymore except for decoration. ;-)

Kat, I understand that the thing about to tuck or not to tuck depends on what state you live in. I know a couple of Real Cowboys from Texas, and they tuck. They are both over 60, though, so I don't know if it's a generation thing or not. I also know a guy in Nevada who tucks. My friends from Idaho tell me they do not tuck there.

I think I read in the book Cowboy Culture, that back in the old days, everybody tucked so they could show off their boots, because a cowboy's boots were a status symbol.

Personally, I would rather tuck, as I prefer the scorpions not to crawl up my trouser legs!!!! :-D