The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53907   Message #833081
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
22-Nov-02 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pants or trousers
Subject: RE: BS: Pants or trousers
Oh my word, Áine, I REMEMBER demipants. Hadn't thought of those for years! (Do you remember pre-pantihose days, and ...?)

I started college in 1967. We always wore a skirt or dress on campus. After a couple of years of miniskirts, pantsuits were popular. The only time I wore jeans on campus was during exam week when everyone was grungy. Shortly after, jeans were all I wore. (even had a pair of maternity jeans with the little flowers embroiderd around the hem.)

Is it true that even to this day ladies always wear dresses (as opposed to pantsuits) in Atlanta?