The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53907   Message #833367
Posted By: GUEST,Fred Miller
23-Nov-02 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pants or trousers
Subject: RE: BS: Pants or trousers
I used to go clad in garb, which nobody wears anymore, there are no garb shops. Now I just get dressed in clothes. On special occasions I might be dressed in Wear. Also have some apparel, some menswear, and outfits, but mostly clothing. My daughter has taken to wearing Fashions, Styles, and Accessories.

    In school we read Robin Hood, and our teacher told us to ask about any words we weren't familiar with. Guy asked what it meant that Robin Hood tore his leather? We turned to the page, where it said Robin Hood tore his leather jerkin off.