The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53968   Message #833836
Posted By: mmb
24-Nov-02 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Its' official Bush is a moron
Subject: RE: BS: Its' official Bush is a moron
This is sort-of cross-posted, but is even more relevant here than on the thread where I posted it last night when I got in from John McCutcheon's Clearwater (FL) concert. His most recent topical material is posted to his website ( , with an mp3 icon in the left frame of the link to The Music) - and contains some of the abso-dam-lutely hysterical political stuff that had a packed house of 500 laughing, cheering, singing (nay, bellowing!) along and on their feet more than once.
    Most relevant to this thread is the song described as a "Collaboration," of which his co-collaborator-in-chief is totally unaware. The lyrics are nothing but excerpts from Bush speeches.    John says there is no way he could make them all up; "Can you imagine how hard (all this) was to memorize?"
    "Ashcroft's Army" appealed to our sense of patriotism, since its stated purpose is to help recruit us all as Domestic Spies.
    And speaking of Patriotism, in addition to reminding us all of the true genesis of "This Land is Your Land" by throwing in some of the verses that have been expurgated from elementary school music texts and current popular consciousness, he performed a new song recalling what it "used to" feel like to remove his cap, place hand over heart, look up at the flag, and join in with the National Anthem. Oh, for the Age of Innocence!
    Enjoy!   M.