The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52937   Message #834195
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
24-Nov-02 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: Last Shanty Swap at China Sea-11/23 (Maine)
Subject: RE: Last Shanty Swap at China Sea-11/23 (Maine)
Ye know, Mates; that chanty hoot last night did me more good than a $125 visit to the shrink; I don't know about you, but I NEEDED that!

Even Ol' Aunt Martha, my long-suffering RAFG (Responsible Adult Female guardian) enjoyed it, and graciously put up with our pipe-smoke (she's got kinda feebish lungs, y'know) to stick it out to the end.

Charlie, deah; that wan't jes' no ordnary cider; That was a bottle of DEAD DOG Cider! I done brung it 'specially in honor of you & Roll & Go... not to mention the memory of our dear departed ol' 'Bednego!
Cpt. Bunker and I took it out on the loading dock to open it, as it fumed and frothed and sputtered a bit (all over the alley). Them whats worked up the courage to try it afterwards claimed that it wan't all that bad, and they seemed to be in reasonable fair condition when they left later. Just so's you'll feel better about it, those little pink "floaties" in there were cranberry raisins (albeit somewhat bloated), and not, as some speculated, composted dog parts.

It was most gratifying to see some of my music-loving Friends whom I had invited appear - several from the 3rd Maine Reenacting/ Living History Community.
Cpl."Mike" McCormick was there for a little while early on, and then we were joined by Assistant Surgeon Scott Scroggins, his Lady Heather, and little 3-Month-old Daughter "Katie". Of course Katie made the rounds of many of the "Mommies" in attendance (including Aunt Martha), and I didn't see or hear a bit of fussing; such of the festivites she stayed awake for she seemed quite attentive to and to enjoy quite as much as any of us! We may just have another up-and-coming "Folkie" in our midst!

Also with us was a dear Buddy, "Gail"; we have been co-workers on two different jobs at one time or another, one in the "People" business and the other in the "things" realm (it's a long story...) - escorted by her friend "Scott" who is, rumor has it, an active "Barbershop" Singer. He seemed kinda bashful back there, and I didn't want to scare him off too soon... but if we don't get at least one song out of 'im by the 3rd session, we may have to have Naemanson give 'im a bit of a squeeze - like a set of bagpipes - and see if we cain't loosin 'im up a bit! };^{)~

Gail's Daughter is somewhat of a Musical prodigy who is seriously looking into learing the fiddle - and saving up for an instrument. I was hoping to introduce her to some of you Fiddlers - but alas she was playing in another concert!

The Press Room is a fairly long haul from here, and I'm a little paranoid when it comes to navigating in an unfamiliar city - but I may really need a music fix by then sufficiently to be tempted.

there is a song I've been working on which just seems to be a natural for Kendall, for some reason, and I think he could present it a lot better than I can. (Lordy, it sure is good to hear that crusty old Salt sing again!) It's one I got the lyrics for off of Mudcat, and lacking the music, went ahead and composed some... which seems to work really well. At least the folks I've performed it for so far seem to like it. Since it has nothing to do with the Sea, I left it alone last night but would love to run it by some of you guys & see what you think. It is ".30 US on The Wall" (you may recall the posting about it) from Alaska, circa 1930's.

China Seas First Mate Sharon took some top-drawer pictures with her nifty digital camera, and had some of them printed out within moments. they are corkers! Sharon; if you read this; you can send the pictures to Pene Azul at the E-dress in one of the links here as an E-mail attachment, or to me and I can forward them on - after "tweaking" a bit on my graphics program if need be (cropping, ajusting resolution, trimming file size etc.). If you get a choice, send them as *JPG or *.GIF files, as I find that most people can open them with common browsers or programs, and they are not as "fat" as some others.

And Sins; next time you light off with one of my favorite songs like "Three Score and Ten", couldjja kindly wait 'till I ain't got me gob packed jam full o' pizza!!??? I have a hard enough time getting down to those low baritone notes (and in that key, for some reason, an octave higer would've been stretching the other end of the vocal range) as is, and all that cheeze and pepperroni don't help none!