The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54026   Message #834550
Posted By: okthen
25-Nov-02 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Folkworks UK Tour Winter 2002
Subject: RE: Folkworks UK Tour Winter 2002
I went to the Sawston venue last night with RolyH and friend, was truly amazed by the whole evening,reawakened my interest in ballads.
Dog Rose Morris really have to be seen to be believed, "Morris with altitude and attitude" is how the programme described them,and I think that's about right.
Anyone in the vicinity of the above list should see if they can still get a ticket, we won't get treated to a performance like this until the Arts Council (bless their cotton socks) cough up some more dough to help the tradition survive.
Oh what a luverly night, and on the off chance that any of them might read this thread, THANK-YOU,you took me back to a time I hadn't realised I missed so much.