The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54058   Message #834981
Posted By: Banjer
25-Nov-02 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: Experience with Elderly Instruments
Subject: Elderly Music's service sucks!!!
I know a lot of you sing high praises to Elderly, but I have had it with them. I used their website Sunday the 17th to place an order for three sets of banjo strings, thinking I may have them by Friday. Most places I have ever ordered from have delivered their products within about five days, some even less than that. My wife ordered an item from the Smithsonian Store on Wednesday of this week and it was at our door Thursday from Tennessee. Anyhow, I get home Friday and instead of finding a package at my door, I received an e-mail that informed that the strings had been sent out on the 22nd, that day. Five days to just process such a simple order is just plain ridiculous. I will NEVER use their services again. There are too many companies that like to take care of their customers to have to put up with incopetence of that magnitude.

Rant off.....