The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54100   Message #835848
Posted By: Rick Fielding
27-Nov-02 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: The personal song - Who does it well?
Subject: RE: The personal song - Who does it well?
Excellent thread Alan.(has the CD got there yet?)

I've been trying to figure this out for years. I think it boils down to a FEW things.

Can you make the audience CARE about what's gone on in your life? If so, then perhaps a LOT of skill may not be as neccessary.

Does the audience fantasize a sexual relationship with the performer? This would certainly apply to a lot of modern singer-songwriters (mostly young gals) who haven't lived long enough to have much of a story. Not saying they may not be good songwriters...just that the "sexual" aspect is there.

How about sheer storytelling or poetic skill, along with top notch musical skills? Michael Smith and Paul Simon come to mind.

Two Mudcatters...Jerry Rassmussin and Harvey Andrews, use their instruments strictly as accompaniement (and very well too) but do a lot to reflect their origins in their music (Birmingham and Wisconsin) They MAKE you interested in their lives.

