The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54061   Message #836294
Posted By: Roger the Skiffler
28-Nov-02 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: The Fureys
Subject: RE: The Fureys
I saw them in Windsor (UK) on Sunday. Paul is dead, Finbar went solo, only George (guitar, vocals) and Eddie (guitar, mandolin, bodhran, vocals)Furey, with Derek (forgot his surname)from the Barleycorns on guitar, bass and tenor vocals (best singer of the three IMHO)and a splendid young box player and a very good tenor banjo & mandolinist(didn't catch their names).
Apart from the instrumentals they played mainly popular songs and 60's songs (all written "by our good friend....") rather than Irish folk songs.
Also a couple of good jokes I'll recycle sometime!
It was a good evening but more like going to a local dance than to a folk session.

(but what do I know?)