The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53993 Message #836594
Posted By: George Papavgeris
28-Nov-02 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: Geo Papa-g at bedworth incognito
Subject: RE: Geo Papa-g at bedworth incognito
Guru - Blu Ankar will be on this Sat, just minus the Fat Greek With The 12-string. And also the following Friday, I believe (incl FGWT12S), as a last pre-Xmas spasm for Snollbuns.
But fret not; you should take advantage of the lull to visit sunny Amersham for a workshop with Christine & Vanessa. And I am sure that there would be room at the Mellows Inn for an overnight stay, to maximise enjoyment and drinking and minimise driving and hassle.