The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54149   Message #836807
Posted By: khandu
28-Nov-02 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thanksgiving: Are You Stuffed?
Subject: RE: BS: Thanksgiving: Are You Stuffed?
Ah, my wonderfully filled tummy!

Eleven family members got together here at my home and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!

Our menu, somewhat traditional;

Baked turkey and ham
Dressing with giblet gravy and cranberry sauce
Sweet Potato Casserole (with raisons and marshmallows!)
Pea Salad
Potato Salad
And I am not sure what else since what I ate was from the list above!
And a ton of different kinds of pies, cakes, etc. We will enjoy left-overs for a week!

Afterward, one of the children brought out a "Twister" game which I had forgotten about decades ago. And I, a stiff, stuffed fifty year old was cajoled into playing. I already feel the sore results!

It was a day of thanks-giving; I have much to be thankful for!
