The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54100   Message #837428
Posted By: Deckman
29-Nov-02 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: The personal song - Who does it well?
Subject: RE: The personal song - Who does it well?
This thread poses one of the best questions I seen come around in some time. Thank you for thinking it and for posting it! I liked many of the responses, especially Ricks. I would like to add something perhaps a little different. What works for me, meaning what captures MY attention, is when the combination of the song and the singer work well together. I well remember many years ago when we were all a bunch of pimply faced kids singing about how hard it was to be in jail. Heck, we'd never been in jail and nothing we could do at the time could convince anyone we had been in jail. But TODAY, that's a totally different story. The performers I gravitate toward are the ones with lots of wrinkles on their faces ... women and men equally. And I totally agree with Rick regarding the 'sex appeal' aspect. I go back to memories of the late Walt Robertson's performances. When he sang "Wandering", for example, it was not his personal song. It was well known, although he did do his own melody. But he had the 'look on his face', for lack of a better term, that made you KNOW that this was his song. He was singing about himself. And when he sang "The Ballad of Sam Hall", there was no doubt! I'm finding the same thing in my own music these days. I think I've finally reached the age of "believability", if you will. (there's a straight line for you Don). When I choose to sing a song, it's because I want to present it. And I usually present it "my way." I hope this adds to the conversation. CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson