The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53532   Message #837480
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
29-Nov-02 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: What about a Mudcat festival
Subject: RE: Mudcat festival
Surely some tramp steamers make the trip between Nova Scotia and the Auld Countyrie, don't they? Some Mudcatters from the UK and Celtic Isles might be able to stow away or work their way over and back, shouldn't they? These newfangled tin-can steamers don't pay much for Chantymen these days, but hopefully they could work something out that wouldn't be too demeaning.

Are there no Folk-Arts friendly rich people over there with large (sailing) yachts willing to load her to the scuppers with European Folkies and bear away for Nova Scotia?

Somehow when contemplating a "Mudcat Cruise", I don't see slot machines, casinos, and on-deck swimming pools as much as halyards, mainsheets, and a capstan.

Getting there can be half the fun!