The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54100 Message #838143
Posted By: alanabit
01-Dec-02 - 03:06 AM
Thread Name: The personal song - Who does it well?
Subject: RE: The personal song - Who does it well?
Comedy has always been one of the most important tools in my equipment as a singer/songwriter. I don't think an evening of my stuff (which is rarely personal) would be bearable without it. However, my comedy songs tend to be character sketches. I have great fun playing the characters - and the audience seems to like them, but these are a very different thing from personal songs! By the sounds of what people are saying here, it seems that there really are performers who are under nthe misapprehension that they can hold crowds with the ramblings of a therapy couch. I believe there are some who can pull it off, but a few weeks busking should cure the rest!