The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11318   Message #83821
Posted By: Knappo
03-Jun-99 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: Harmonica Players Unite!
Subject: RE: Harmonica Players Unite!
In response to LEJ's original question. I play a mix of Lee Oskars, Special 20's, Golden Melody and recently a Honer Pro harp. The plastic combs are "faster" to me. I play either through a vocal mic into the PA or a "Green Bullet" which is a Shure 520D I think. This I put through a seperate 10" amp that gives the distortion. Try out differnt apms to find a sound you like. Tube amps are the ones of choice especially the old vintage ones. I would like to try out different mics. Anyone have opinions on the Shaker and/or Astatic(?) mics? Also, Peter "Madcat" Ruth from the midwest is another player to check out! Bye Tom