The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54102   Message #838319
Posted By: Alice
01-Dec-02 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS threads not labelled BS
Subject: can we have a filter in QUICK LINKS?
Having the BS filter saves time for me when I only have a few minutes to check the forum for music threads. But, after trying the membership choice of the BS filter and then having to go back and turn it off to see all the threads, I think it would be VERY helpful for those who need to access non-BS quickly to have a QUICK LINKS link to the forum with BS filter. Have others requested this? Could it be added to the QUICK LINKS menu? It would sure save me some time and I think it would be helpful for people who come to the Mudcat for the first time to be able to access the filter through QUICK LINKS.

Thanks Joe, Jeff, Max and all for your work.

Alice Flynn