The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54214   Message #838396
Posted By: Jim Krause
01-Dec-02 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Punch line, redneck joke
Subject: RE: BS: Punch line, redneck joke
An Englishman on holiday in Scotland walked into the village pub, sat down at the bar and ordered himself a pint of the local's finest. While nursing his drink, a voice at the back of the room calls out to him "Hey you, come over here. I've a story to tell you." So, the Englishman picks up his pint and goes over the the man's table.

"Look out that window laddie and tell me what do ye see?"

The Englishman looks out the window and says "I see a stone bridge accross that stream there."

"Aye. An' 'twas I who was the architect o' that bridge. An' 'twas I who directed the quarrying o' the stone. I practically built that bridge wi' me own twa hands. But do they call me Angus the Bridge Builder? No." And Angus sits silent for a moment, until the Englishman starts to get up.

Angus then grabs the Englishman by the arm and says "An' laddie, look out that window again an' tell me what ye see over there."

And the Englishman looks and says "Why it looks like the church."

"Aye," says Angus. "An' 'twas I who was the architect o' that kirk. An' 'twas I who directed the quarrying o' the stone. I practically built that kirk wi' me own twa hands. But do they call me Angus the Kirk Builder? No. But ye shag one goat...."   