The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11322   Message #83889
Posted By: Rick Fielding
04-Jun-99 - 02:53 AM
Thread Name: National Accordion Awareness Month
Subject: RE: National Accordion Awareness Month
My mother continued to play her big 140 bass accordion until a week before my birth. If that's not cruelty to the unborn, I don't know what is. I think I was born humming "lady of Spain".
Does anybody know about a tiny store that existed in London about 30 years ago in a place called Camden Town. I remember walking about twenty miles to find it and seeing folks living on canal boats. I was in concertina heaven and bought a Wheatstone. I tried my damndest to do it justice but I could never make it sound the way it was intended and eventually sold it to a guy in Vermont.