The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11339   Message #83906
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
04-Jun-99 - 05:16 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Bob Nolan)
Subject: RE: Song Lyrics

Posting lyrics onto a thread is no guarantee that they will enter the DT database. Dick and Susan (and whomever else there may be) make some editorial determinations. For example, I am not much of a Folk Nazi, but this song clearly falls into Country & Western to my way of thinking.

And Snowbird,

The worst of our fears have been fulfilled. Greg549, in all innocence, thinks he should post any old song request on this thread. It's gonna take days to kill it


I have posted your request on a separate thread LYR REQ: Christmas by candlelight. If anyone answers your request I believe they will do so there.


Start new requests on a separate thread

Roger in Baltimore