The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54276   Message #839515
Posted By: GUEST,Ma'am
03-Dec-02 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Internet Posting for Dummies
Subject: BS: Internet Posting for Dummies
1) Don't be afraid to let someone off the hook. Just because you've proven someone else wrong doesn't mean you need to press the issue until you've received a full written apology and oral sex. Let it go.

2) Don't be afraid to back off your position. No one can know everything. Sometimes someone will come along and be better versed on a subject then you are. Don't let your ego stop you from learning something new.

3) Avoid personal insults. They do nothing for a discussion.

4) It is ok for someone to disagree with you. No, really.

5) No opinion, no matter how substantiated by facts, is beyond reproach. Don't think yours is special.

6) People have bad days. Don't fly off the handle because someone is being rude or grouchy. Seeing a rude post isn't a green light to reply rudely.

7) You only see text, but it's a real person that wrote it. Don't abuse the anonymity of the Internet to post replies you would never do in a face to face conversation.

8) If you have something to say on a matter, say it honestly. Don't attempt to spin it to put it in a more positive light. It is easier to defend honesty then to defend a position that wasn't really yours to begin with.

9) Don't be afraid to post. If the responses are crude or reek of elitism, that is their fault. Apologize for attempting to learn something and move on.

10) Don't be afraid to not post. There is no law requiring you to post. If you are getting upset over an issue, don't reply until you've given enough time for your emotions to calm and you can post clearly.