The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11153   Message #83952
Posted By: annamill
04-Jun-99 - 10:04 AM
Thread Name: annap's gathering
Subject: RE: annap's gathering
Hi Rita and everyone,

I don't think your questions are intrusive at all. I have a stove and a barbeque grill and I hope everyone will share in the cooking. I think we'll mostly be using the grill...and there's always takeout. We can have pizza, or chinese, or Italian, etc.

I have two bathrooms and modern plumbing with town sewerage so this is not a problem.

I'm planning on sirloin steaks. This is not as expensive as it sounds. These steaks are on sale all the time and are good size. I can get a 1/2 lb. steak for about $2. I was also planning on shrimp, corn on the cob, barbequed chicken, chicken wings.

I just bought a waffle iron, so breakfast will be fun. We'll have fruit, eggs, lots and lots of coffee, juice, etc.

To drink there will be various sodas, beer, wine, etc.

..and whatever anyone brings.

We have a spare room, a real big couch for two, upstairs in the attic (very big attic)in my sons room we'll have blow up double beds, outside we people can put up a couple of tents. (This sounds like the best idea to me, maybe I'll go sleep by my river.)

I think you get the picture. Yes, it's a lot of work, but I'll have help and I'll have fun.

Rita, I really hope you can make it. If anyone wakes up on Saturday July 17th and decides they would like to come over, then come.

Can't wait. annap