The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54130   Message #839771
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
03-Dec-02 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: The reproductive capacity of bodhrans
Subject: RE: The reproductive capacity of bodhrans
Having exhausted every conceivable angle for bodhran bashing, perhaps the erudite minds of this board could be persuaded to satire fiddle gunslingers.

"Whal, Tex, ahm the faistest player in these hyar parts."

"Shee-hoot, Clem, I kin turn out the lights in a room and play 6 o' them fiddle reels afore the room gits dark."

"Thar may be 36 other players in this circle, Tex, but ahm a callin' you out. Let's rip on them fiddle-only reels - and the first one tuh finish wins."

[Indistinguishable, unmelodic cuisinart of notes follows]