The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54100   Message #839785
Posted By: Bobert
03-Dec-02 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: The personal song - Who does it well?
Subject: RE: The personal song - Who does it well?
Hey, how'z about some of the "kids", like Alanis Morrisett, Ani de Franco or Eddie Vedder? These kids are singin' about some purdy personal stuff and putting a lot of their emotional selves out there.

And I'm surprised that no one has brought up Eric Anderson who could really sell a personal song. He definately was in a class be himself.

And well, Bruce Springsteen ain't no slouch either but ya' kind have to poke around behind the E-Street sound to find songs like "Mary, Queen of Arkansas", "Book of Dreams" or "Ballad of Tom Jode".

And how about James McMurtry. Now here is a guy who is not shy about sharin' his stories.

Steve Earle?

Richard Buckner?

