The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20528   Message #840041
Posted By: GUEST,Newfiegirl
03-Dec-02 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: The Saddest Song Ever written
"Just behind the times"

A party in our little Village,
People gathered in a little room,
A meeting of importance there to hold,
They had decided that their Minister,
Although they loved him well,
He must resign, for he was growing old.

They wrote to him this letter,
And he read it or'er and or'er,
As burning tears fell on each cruel line,
For written in this letter
Was your sermons are today,
It also read, your just behind the times.
Just behind the time so they told him,
Your just behind the time,
Your voice has lost it's sweetness,
Like bells that lost it's chime,
He cannot hold their attention,
He faulters or'er his lines,
His power is gone, and few will mourn,
For he's just behind the times.

The Church was crowded Sunday morning,
For it was rumored round the town,
That a new Minster was going to preach.
In that same old dusty Pulpet
Where he had ruled for years,
Another man had come, his flock to teach..

Well he spoke of love and politic's,
And he spoke of fashions grand,
Of sights he'd seen in many distant cline,
The old man sat and listened,
And he slowly bowed his head
I guess they're right,
I'm just behind the time.

Just behind the time so they told him,
Your just behind the time,
Your voice has lost it's sweetness,
Like bells that lost it's chime.
He cannot hold their attention,
He faulters or'er his lines,
His power is gone, and few will mourn,
For he's just behind the times.

Well the sermon it was ended,
And the old man sadly rose,
Will you let me say a word before I go,
As down the isle he staggred,
To the Pulpit as of yours,
With faulting steps and face as white as snow.
I have buried all your loved ones,
And I've wept beside their graves,
I've shared your joys and sorrows many times,
At last he made a start,
The pain had broke his poor old heart,
His last words were,I'm just behind the times.