The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54349 Message #840880
Posted By: GUEST,Matthew Edwards
04-Dec-02 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Woman of Labrador (Andy Vine)
Subject: Woman Of Labrador
It was great to have Andy Vine visit us at The Bromborough Folk Club in Port Sunlight tonight and sing this wonderful song of his:- Woman of Labrador. Andy has lived in Canada for over 35 years, and wrote the song after reading this woman's story in a book. It is very direct, simple, and powerful. Apparently Andy was a key figure at the old Black Horse Folk Club, (where the Tom Topping Band also used to play) more years ago than he'd care to be reminded of! He was over here on a brief visit, but took time to pop in for a couple of songs - one of which had an amazing rhyme scheme:- licensed premises/ nemesis/ Genesis. I hope it won't be too long before he returns.