The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54284   Message #841513
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
05-Dec-02 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat CD Sampler Arrived!
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Sampler Arrived!
I've only made it through a couple of the cds so far. It's great to hear Kendall's rich voice again - haven't heard or seen him in awhile. There's lots of good music and great singers on these cds.

Have to say that so far two jumped out as songs that Frank and I might like to try ourselves: Cool Cup of Water by khandu and Deep Shady Grove by Kytrad. So who is Whitfield, the songwriter of Cool Cup of Water? Is that you, khandu?

This is fun! Puts a dent in the Christmas budget, but made a great gift to myself.