The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33132   Message #841579
Posted By: JohnInKansas
05-Dec-02 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: Help: Where do fadas come from?
Subject: RE: Help: Where do fadas come from?
Ok, third times a charm?

Of general interest - but maybe more so to those like Bill D who like new toys to play with: Microsoft has fairly recently added "kits" to permit displaying toolbars and such - in IE6 only, unfortunately - in any of about 30 different languages. Also, I don't see Gaelic as one of the "new" languages, but I believe you get all you need there with the English/localized versions most people get with Windows.

If you visit Microsoft Windows update the site offers to download an "upgrade utility" that will look at your machine and then send a list of "what you need" back to the site. It will then offer to download and install whatever you select.

If you don't already have IE6, it will show it as a "critical update," and after (reluctantly) accepting the download and looking it over, I don't think most people will have a problem with "moving up" to this version. It does incorporate some better security features than earlier versions, without the necessity for extensive separate upgrades.

If you haven't kept up to date, you are likely to find several other "critical updates" recommended, some of which are very large and can take quite a while to download and install. You don't have to take them, but probably should, since most of them are security related. You can bypass them and come back later when you have time, if you want.

The "new language kits" are shown as optional items: Windows update (typically 30 items). Depending on which you select, you can display IE6 toolbars in Polish, Chinese, Japanese, Tai, Korean, German, etc....

Note that this is separate from the ability to display web site content written in these languages.

A cautionary(?) note: the site will ask if you want to receive notices of future critical updates, but it asks so subtly that you're likely to get it witout realizing you agreed to. This is a good thing if you're at all interested in keeping up with security on your machine. When a new critical update is avialable, you'll get a pop-up that tells you its there, and offers (but doesn't require) installation.
