The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54284   Message #842342
Posted By: InOBU
06-Dec-02 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat CD Sampler Arrived!
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Sampler Arrived!
I have to say, mine arrived and it is one of the finnest collections of folk I have heard in a long long time. Some promoter should get a hold of the idea of a great concert - the real folk scene, not the comercial this is folk hype. How about a documentery film... this is the real stuff gang... great great collection. It is going to take a week before I can go into detail, songs still bouncing about my head as I listen to the next CD... brilliant stuff, anyone who is a mudcatter who does not get this set misses out on what it is really about. GARGOYLE!!!! Get this CD, it will brighten your stoney countence! Yarrow, buy this and it will salve your paranoia! It will cure all ills and make children wise...