The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54426 Message #842419
Posted By: GUEST,Bill Kennedy
06-Dec-02 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: Howzabout folk music on the radio?
Subject: RE: Howzabout folk music on the radio?
interesting to me that there is not a single folk song on the list, with the exception of Man of Constant Sorrow, also interesting is that NONE of the John Hartford selections would be on this list if he hadn't died this year. He hardly ever got airplay anymore, which is one of the problems I have with 'Folk' shows on the radio. It's almost all (I know not to generalise, my own show is at least one exception!) 'push box' produced, meaning that whatever new relelase a lable calls 'folk' gets sent to stations who play it, so they can get more new releases by reporting they played it. I am the only programmer at my station that by design consistently goes back into our extensive record library to play 'folk music' by authentic folks, as well as early interpreters of 'folk' songs. Almost everyone on this list is a singer/songwriter, often with some close connection to contemporary country, and it's sad to me that everyone says what a good thing 'O Brother' was for folk (read traditional) music. BS, it will mean others will try to duplicate the pseudo traditional and non traditional interpretations offered in that film.
I'm all for more folk music on the radio, but it's not on this list!