X:1 T:Woman of Labrador C:Andy vine N:Andy gave Mathew Edwards URL of music posted. at N:www.wordplay.com/songs/womanlab.html I:abc2nwc M:4/4 L:1/8 K:C zG G A G3/2 F/2 E2|zF/2 E/2 F3/2 G/2 G/2 E3/2 C2|zF F/2 G3/2 G3E|D3/2 C/2 D E D4| w:Wo-man of La-bra-dor, Child-ren round your ca-bin door. won-der-ing when their dad-dy will be home. zG G G/2 A/2 G/2 F E/2- E2|zF F F/2 G/2 G E C2|zF/2 E/2 F G/2 G3/2 A/2 (G E)|zD (3DCB, C4 w:He's gone on the trapp-ing lines._Seems like such a long long time Since he's waved his last fare-well_And left you a-lone